Pacquiao vs Marquez - Pacquiao won the fight against Marquez via referee decision. Referee scorecard 114-114, 116-112, 115-113 in favor to Manny Pacquiao and Pacquiao landed 176 of 578 punches.
Pacquiao says "I'm confident that I won the fight".
Many audiences expect that Juan Manuel would won the fight. During an interview with Marquez and said "This was the second robbery and this one was the worst."
Manny Pacquiao Latest Update
Manny Pacquiao, most exciting boxer on the planet, writes a regular column at PhilBoxing and Abante to express his own thoughts and to be able to communicate to his fans worldwide.
Roach, the pound-for-pound king’s Los Angeles-based trainer, can’t seem to reach his fighter in the Philippines even though his next fight -– against Miguel Cotto on Nov. 14 in Las Vegas –- is only 10 weeks away.